Baraza la Taifa la Biashara Zanzibar

Wizara ya Biashara na Maendeleo ya Viwanda


Mkutano wa ZNBC

The TNBC Meeting is the highest PPD meeting in Tanzania under TNBC (also known as “The Council”). The President of the United Republic of Tanzania chairs the meeting and appoints members of the Council. The Council is made up of 50 members, drawn from both Public and Private Sector with equal representation, 25 being Public members and 25 selected private sector representatives. The government representatives are Ministers of the URT and senior government officials while Private Sector representatives are appointed to the Council through the Tanzania Private Sector Foundation (TPSF). The TNBC meeting deals with strategic issues with inputs from the lower level PPDs and consultative meetings under TNBC organs. Such organs include TNBC Ministerial Dialogues, Technical Working Groups Dialogues, Regional and Districts Business Council Meetings.

The Council Meetings being Agenda driven. They are supposed to meet at least once per year.

During the Sixth Government Leadership, under HE Samia Suluhu Hassan the Council met on 26th June 2021 – The 12th TNBC Meeting. The meeting was attendedby Senior Government Officials including Vice President, Prime Minister, Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Donors and Diplomatic community and private sector representatives. The keyhighlights of the meeting includeResolutions to:

  • Implementthe recommendations presented by Forestry Working Group through the proposed Tanzania Engineered Wood Development Framework. The Proposed EWP Development Framework was consented and TNBC forestry Working Group was required to embark on preparation of National EWP implementation plan.
  • Fast-track implementation of the BLUEPRINT
  • Review Government Income and Expenditure system including measures to increase tax base
  • To improve policies, Laws, Regulations and procedures to attract business and investment in Tanzania, including measures to address theeffect of COVID 19 inbusinesses and the economy.
  • To improve the PPD framework and processes for effective and regular dialogues from the District to National level.